Stoney Creek HOA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2024
I. Meeting Information
- Association Name: Stoney Creek HOA
- Meeting Type: Bi-Annual Meeting
- Date: 6/24/24
- Time: 6:00 p.m.
- Location: Virtual
II. Agenda
- Call to Order President: Brian Morris
- Motion to Begin
- Roll Call Secretary(?): Patrick Barrett
- Board Members: Dominic Scarrow (VP), Brian Morris (President)
- Guests: Hunter Gadwill. Alicia Lalor, Patrick Barrett
- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (Lost as of 6/24/24)
- Old Business (None as of 6/24/24)
- New Business (President)
- Parking on Streets/Yards: No vehicles parked in the street, no vehicles in grass (1-3 days, not over 1 week)
- Transfer of Secretary position from Steve Braune to Patrick Barrett: Motioned carried, switched to Patrick Barrett.
- Search for VP Position – Section 3.5:
- Automate $5 per month late charge for non-payment of dues:
- Discussion:
- How to get people to pay dues:
- Write liens
- 2 notices
- 3rd notice as certified mail as late fee
- Write liens
- Main task – Maintain cul-de-sac & font of development. Mulch is pricey, and you need to have funds in order to maintain them. $1400 maintained 4 cul-de-sacs and the front of the area (without mulch).
- Outstanding dues → $3,475.00
- Letter to Homeowners → Already in place
- 2 houses for sale, Brian has not been contacted by a realtor.
- Brian needs help learning to write liens, also to ship out mail.
- Liens fall into legal documents, lawyers may need to be contacted.
- Finances are kept zoho books ( non platform specific)
- Can’t park on grass → main concern
- Trying to not to be super strict, more lenient.
- Liens will be more focused on the big ticket items, not the small things.
- How to get people to pay dues:
- Announcements (President):
- Finding a VP (find someone interested)
- Next meeting: July → one month from today (within reason)
- Adjournment (President)
- Motion to Adjourn → Brian, 2nd Patrick