Minutes – 7/17/24

Minutes – 7/17/24

7/17/24 Meeting: 

  1. Meeting Information
    1. Association Name: Stoney Creek HOA
    2. Meeting Type: Bi-Annaul Meeting (Take 2)
    3. Date: 7/17/24
    4. Time: 6:00 p.m.
    5. Location: Virtual
  2. Agenda
    1. Call to Order President: Brian Morris
      1. Motion to Begin:Brian
      2. Second: Patrick
    2. Roll Call (Secretary): Patrick Barrett
      1. Board Members: Brian Morris, Patrick Barrett
      2. Guests: Hunter Gadwill, Joyce Thomas, Barbara Zwally, Marcy Norris, Alicia Lalor
    3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (Secretary): 
      1. https://stoneycreekhoanc.com/minutes/
      2. Motion to Approve: Barbara
      3. Second: Alicia Lalor
    4. Old Business (President): Brian Morris
      1. Parking on Streets/Yards: No vehicles parked in the street, no vehicles in grass (1-3 days, not over 1 week)
      2. Transfer of Secretary position from Steve Braune to Patrick Barrett: Motioned carried, switched to Patrick Barrett. 
      3. Search for VP Position – Section 3.5: Still searching for VP
      4. Automate $5 per month late charge for non-payment of dues: Going ahead with Automating $5 per month late charge. Brian will go in at the first of every month and assess late fees. 
    5. New Business (President): Brian Morris
      1. Working on a budget and selecting a program to automate that as well. 
    6. Discussion (Group): Attendees 
      1. Parking Permits → Original homeowners had a letterhead from the town that stated you needed to have parking permits in order to park on the side of the street. 
      2. Realtors did contact Brian about the houses for sale and asked for a copy of by-laws. 
      3. Attend the open houses with a hard copy of the HOA by-laws. 
      4. Renters must abide by by-laws.
      5. One house seat per board meeting for attendance 
      6. Concerned about the illegal motorbikes are riding up and down the streets (becomes a town of Leland issue, we cannot enforce speed limits and vehicles operations)
      7. Noise factor → Town of Leland needs to handle these issues.
      8. Civil issues need to be taken up by the Town of Leland. These issues are more frequent this year. 
      9. Concerned about how quickly they are driving and how the neighborhood doesn’t have sidewalks. Announcements (President): Brian Morris
      10. None
    7. Adjournment (President): Brian Morris
      1. Motion to adjourn: Joyce
      2. Second: Barbara