7/17/24 Meeting:
- Meeting Information
- Association Name: Stoney Creek HOA
- Meeting Type: Bi-Annaul Meeting (Take 2)
- Date: 7/17/24
- Time: 6:00 p.m.
- Location: Virtual
- Agenda
- Call to Order President: Brian Morris
- Motion to Begin:Brian
- Second: Patrick
- Roll Call (Secretary): Patrick Barrett
- Board Members: Brian Morris, Patrick Barrett
- Guests: Hunter Gadwill, Joyce Thomas, Barbara Zwally, Marcy Norris, Alicia Lalor
- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (Secretary):
- https://stoneycreekhoanc.com/minutes/
- Motion to Approve: Barbara
- Second: Alicia Lalor
- Old Business (President): Brian Morris
- Parking on Streets/Yards: No vehicles parked in the street, no vehicles in grass (1-3 days, not over 1 week)
- Transfer of Secretary position from Steve Braune to Patrick Barrett: Motioned carried, switched to Patrick Barrett.
- Search for VP Position – Section 3.5: Still searching for VP
- Automate $5 per month late charge for non-payment of dues: Going ahead with Automating $5 per month late charge. Brian will go in at the first of every month and assess late fees.
- New Business (President): Brian Morris
- Working on a budget and selecting a program to automate that as well.
- Discussion (Group): Attendees
- Parking Permits → Original homeowners had a letterhead from the town that stated you needed to have parking permits in order to park on the side of the street.
- Realtors did contact Brian about the houses for sale and asked for a copy of by-laws.
- Attend the open houses with a hard copy of the HOA by-laws.
- Renters must abide by by-laws.
- One house seat per board meeting for attendance
- Concerned about the illegal motorbikes are riding up and down the streets (becomes a town of Leland issue, we cannot enforce speed limits and vehicles operations)
- Noise factor → Town of Leland needs to handle these issues.
- Civil issues need to be taken up by the Town of Leland. These issues are more frequent this year.
- Concerned about how quickly they are driving and how the neighborhood doesn’t have sidewalks. Announcements (President): Brian Morris
- None
- Adjournment (President): Brian Morris
- Motion to adjourn: Joyce
- Second: Barbara
- Call to Order President: Brian Morris